Alto Adige, 14 October 10
The City will proceed with the restructuring of the old one: it costs "only" 2.1 million €
Ezio Danieli

Ezio Danieli
Merano. It has been updated investment plan for the renovation of the stadium, "Giampiero Combi and the refurbishment of the pools of the nearby public beach. The decision was taken by the City Council at its last meeting. Following various remediation, the cost of the work of the first batch, which includes an expansion of the stadium, has risen from 2.7 million to € 3.3 million. Also reversed the response time of the grandstand as the priority is to heal the tanks of the nearby public beach. The stated objective of the board - on the basis of statements made by the project manager ing. Bruno Marth - is to conclude the athletics track and football field by the spring of next year. "You have to go a bit 'at a time - said the mayor - to avoid a financial impact on what was expected."
Meanwhile, the Combi, the work resumed on August 6 last year: there is the reclamation to be completed pending the arrival delivery of risk. In some areas you can still operate, and then we will proceed with the construction of the tunnel that passes under the athletics track, will allow access for athletes from the football locker room. According to the mayor, the athletics track - in compliance with federal standards will be longer than the previous year - should be ready by next spring. "Although we must consider the risk associated with the weather." Same deadline for the completion of the football field with a decision of the City Council has chosen to bring forward to the work of the third batch Combi - involve the renovation of old forum for an amount of € 2.1 million - and to postpone the second batch involves the construction of the new forum for spending more than € 4 million.
The choice was dictated by the need to intervene with the adjoining public beach where - immediately at the end of the summer season next year - will need to complete the refurbishment of swimming pools.
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