More trains connecting the capital Merano CS, 29 October 10
introduce a night train and one in the morning with colleagues Bolzano Merano and vice versa. He asked on a question raised alderman responsible, the Provincial Council of the PDL Mauro Minniti that "if one part should be set up communications in order to best use the train to Rome at 6.30 am, the other should efforts so that, on arriving late at night in Bolzano, find a train to Merano and facilitate the return in val Venosta Passiria or without having to use a bus or car uncomfortable. "In recent weeks, the exponent of the PDL has collected several complaints from travelers Vinschgau Meran or that, arriving after 23.30 in Bolzano for study or work or have more trouble reaching Merano to the absence of a train or the inconvenience of using a bus however, does not expect any delays rail. "Many people who are forced to return by train to Bolzano fact of 23.30 - said the leader of the PDL - are forced to use private car for the return home, uncomfortable and even relatives or friends still favoring the traffic on the road. So it seems absurd to be able to establish a new train to Rome in the morning pesto, without thinking about the connections suited to facilitate the use of that train. " Ultimately Minniti, in his question, asks that the opportunity to create the two rail links are missing.
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