Alto Adige, 23 September 10
-2 increase of 1% after 4 years. The mayor guilty of uncivil
To raise cash the council may sell the colony San Vigilio Quarazze former school. Retouching for drinking water
Giuseppe Rossi

To raise cash the council may sell the colony San Vigilio Quarazze former school. Retouching for drinking water
Giuseppe Rossi
Merano. For the first time in four years the City of Merano is about to touch up the rates for the collection and disposal. This is one of the measures outlined by the junta, met the other day in seclusion Hafling, to secure the necessary resources for investment in that program. Among the hypotheses, however, There is also the sale of the colony of San Vigilio. "The reorganization of the municipal and domestic savings - the mayor announced Günther Januth - are finite and therefore we will have to cope with inflationary increases. The alternative is to reduce the quality of the service road that are not willing to travel. If there were uncivilized, which dispose of illegally producing 150 thousand euro of additional costs, these increases could save. " After four years of unchanged rates the City is preparing to hand the waste and utility bills for the supply of drinking water. It will be an increase of 1, maximum 2%. To weigh in the water sector is also investments made in recent years by the city (such as a green) for the division of water discharge from the rain. The local property taxes and additionality personal income tax, subject to 0.1 per thousand, are unaffected. Another thing are the costs of services. In addition to Asm next year will almost certainly pay more Meranarena and also inputs to the shore. During the day cloistered Hafling, councilors and municipal technicians have also prepared a master plan for investment. "The three top priorities - said Januth - for the legislature are the conclusion of the restoration of the museum, the restoration of the beach and the conclusion of the project Combi sports field." The council will also putting their hands in various public buildings to create new spaces in the face of students registered last year in the nursery and buy 20/40 shelters. "For the next three years also - the mayor said - we inpegnati in paying part of the new cable car to Merano 2000. We aim to have for each of the next four years at least € 20/22 million can be allocated to investments. " To achieve this goal the City will not only point to more revenue, but also is considering the sale of certain assets of the public real estate, the colony of San Vigilio and former school Quarazze first.
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