Alto Adige, 29 September 10
Merano. After Rena and square off the City Cash Saver Square Theatre has put his hand also, the heart of the city, although literally besieged traffic. The commissioner Stefan Frötscher and traffic wardens have given to the study of Bressanone Dorfmann the task of rethinking the square in terms of roadway with the already proposed some design guidelines: the traffic light will disappear, the area of \u200b\u200bstop and rest dozens of buses and taxis will have to give way to a pedestrian area larger and far more secure. The project to rebuild the road system in Theatre Square should go through two joints that are a fundamental kind of prerequisite for intervention which should be conducted not earlier than the end of next year: on the one hand it will eliminate the traffic light regulating traffic at the intersection of Liberty and street course racing and the other will definitely expand the pedestrian zone, transferring the current parking area for taxis. "These are the signs - says the commissioner Stefan Frötscher - although we have yet to discuss in detail the individual steps. Dorfmann We commissioned the study to draw up a detailed proposal and the matter will be discussed in committee roads. " If the intention of the municipal administration was confirmed in Theatre Square could sprout a mini roundabout on the style of the one built in Piazza Mazzini. Taxis, at least according to statements by the councilor to traffic, in the plan will move via Carducci, while buses, which stop along the platform today in front of the theater will be passed on via Piave front of the bus parking area of \u200b\u200bthe Baths. The stated objective is to streamline traffic in the streets and increase the space available to pedestrians. The area taxi and bus shelter will become a service road to the intentions of the pedestrian zone. It's up to the study of engineering Dorfmann put on paper the project according to the instructions of the office traffic. This is the same team of experts in recent months has been involved in Memco central heating and expansion of the Via Nazionale. The non-intervention in Theatre Square is trivial also because we should not forget that this is the main town square, which is crossed every day by thousands of vehicles, "spewed" from the tunnel near the spa on arrival from the valley and Passiria Sinigo. Those drivers just in front of them that go down from the cross Puccini Vinschgau and come to town from the station. Thousands of vehicles that currently prevent alternative use at the square. The Theatre Square project comes to a head in recent weeks just as during the winter, the area will be subject to a number of excavations, motivated by the laying of pipes for district heating, the same pipes that are now to be laid Huber street in front of schools in Da Vinci. The change of the roadway of the square could be the first step towards the creation of the first island in the city's pedestrian bridge between the Theatre, brings Venosta and Piazza Rena. In the meantime the City could put his hand to the square Theatre, which requires among other things a new floor less bumpy than the present that many problems of pedestrian safety has already raised in the recent past because of his condition now in total instability.
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