Alto Adige, 30 September 10
Wegleiter: "Close to churches and cemeteries is really unacceptable"
meeting with the junta, the Union also urges the pedestrian Course in Freedom
(ROG) - Merano. The construction of the garage in the cave is of secondary importance. The merchants of downtown link to the mall right in Corso Libertà and the drastic reduction of the phenomenon dell'accattonaggio downtown. These are the two requests that the Trade Union Trust Merano has shown in recent days to the mayor and alderman Günther Januth Heidi Siebenförcher economy. "What happens in the vicinity of churches and cemeteries - Wegleiter claims - it is really unacceptable. Despite the actions carried out by municipal police in recent times and the consequent identification of some people, much remains to be done. " The phenomenon has extended to dell'accatonaggio Lungopassirio walks and joints of foot traffic more important. The mayor Januth a year ago had issued an ordinance against begging, but the Tar had blocked after an appeal. The city police had intensified their control in any case, succeeding in part to reduce the number of people who beg, a phenomenon particularly common during periods of maximum influx of tourists. The second theme that merchants had a discussion with the mayor is that of reducing traffic in the city center. "Our desire - said Wegleiter - is to get to transform Freiheitsstraße in the pedestrian zone. This request is on top of our list of priorities and we believe that the promises of the policy will soon be held. " During the meeting the mayor Januth was unbalanced in part, stating that "before to achieve this - the statement - it will be necessary to develop alternative solutions for the traffic of buses and taxis. For now, you could consider a phased introduction of the pedestrian area, perhaps through the use of systems such as the automatic retractable antitraffic columns in the roadway. " Other topics discussed include the completion of renovation works for via Galilei to make the top pair with the new road fund savings. The yard will be open after the Epiphany and ends at Easter. "For Untermais - claimed the commissioner Siebenförcher - we aim at an embellishment of Via Matteotti using the experience of municipal parks and gardens." Because Tennis Union trade is however still awaiting the start of work of demolition of the wall of the club promised for June. "The proximity of that area to the campsite - concluded Wegleiter - but also to the sports we do not allow any further delay. It is important that all areas of the city are valued in order to increase the attractiveness of the city. "
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